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Vortrag von Anant Menon

Dr. Anant Menon, Weill Cornell Medicine Institute

Dr. Anant Menon

Vortragstitel: "Lipid scramblases – discovery and mechanism"
Anlass: Sondertermin SFB Seminar
Host: Joost Holthuis
Beginn: 25.05.2022 - 16:15 Uhr
Ort: CellNanOs 38/201 

Über den Vortragenden: Anant Menon forscht am Weill Cornell Medicine Department of Biochemistry in New York, USA, zum Thema "Membrane Biology Structural Biology".

Inhalt des Vortrags: Lipids must move rapidly from one side of a membrane bilayer to the other side to grow a membrane bilayer, to signal the engulfment of apoptotic cells by macrophages, and to glycosylate proteins. I will talk about membrane proteins called scramblases that function as channels to facilitate movement of lipids down their transbilayer concentration gradient. I will present (i) unpublished work on the discovery of a scramblase in the mitochondrial outer membrane that is needed for efficient lipid import into mitochondria, and (ii) current ideas about the mechanism of lipid scrambling by the G protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin.