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Confidential counsellors
DFG Liaison Officer
Prof. Dr. Markus Haase
phone: +49 541 969-2807
room: 34/103
Ombudsperson for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
Prof. Dr. jur. Oliver Dörr, LL.M.
phone: +49 541 969-6050
room: 44/315
Here you will find further information on the topic of Good Scientific Practice at Osnabrück University (German).
Contact person for conflicts involving PhD students
Prof. Dr. Achim Paululat
phone: +49 541 969-2861
room: 35/246

Prof. Dr. Achim Paululat is the contact person within the School of Biology/Chemistry for conflicts that involve doctoral researchers. In addition, the members of the dean's office are available.
On the pages of the PhD/Postdoc Career Center you will find detailed information on how to deal with conflicts in the field of doctoral studies including an overview over the relevant contacts (German).
Confidential consellors for junior and tenure-track professors
Prof. Dr. Susanne Boshammer
phone: +49 541 969-7112
room: 69/109
Prof. Dr. Marcel Campen
phone: +49 541 969-3524
room: 50/518
Prof. Dr. Robert Gillenkirch
phone: +49 541 969-2730
room: 29/E06
Prof. Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Steinhoff
phone: +49 541 969-2675
room: 32/334
On the pages of PhD/Postdoc Career Center you will find further information on the confidential counsellors for junior and tenure-track professors (German).
Further contact persons
Click on the following link to find a list of all contact persons, representatives and confidential counsellors at Osnabrück University (German).