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Frequently asked questions

What are my chances of receiving an Erasmus scholarship?

In the past semesters, we were able to offer an Erasmus scholarship to the majority of applicants. However, the probability of getting a place depends on the number of applications each year. In general, the chances of getting an Erasmus scholarship are better than with most other scholarship programs.
If your application was convincing but we still cannot allocate a place at one of your preferred universities, we will try to offer an alternative.

How many partner universities can I apply for?

We recommend that you choose two or three universities and explain in your motivation letter why you chose exactly these universities.

How should my motivation letter be structured?

In your letter of motivation, please elaborate on why you would like to study abroad. Mention your experience with other cultures and languages, your academic and non-academic qualifications, and what sets you apart from your fellow students in this context.
The core of your application should be the rationale for the partner universities you have chosen. In particular, you should be specific about your initial choice. It is a good idea to answer the following questions: Why do you want to study at exactly this university? In what way do you expect to benefit from the study visit? What do you hope to take away from it? What courses do you want to take and how will they advance you academically?
Be creative - stand out with an imaginative and professional application!

Who can issue the expert opinion (Gutachten)? Whom should I ask?

All instructors who are authorized to conduct examinations can issue the expert opinion (Gutachten). If you do not know any instructors personally, please seek out an instructor during office hours and tell them about your plans to go abroad. Outline what you hope to gain from the study abroad experience and what your academic goals are. This will prepare the instructors for your request and they will be happy to prepare the report for you afterwards.
Please note that you are not allowed to see the report yourself. It will therefore either be given to you in a sealed envelope or sent directly to the subject coordinator.

Am I automatically enrolled at the host university once I have received the approval from the department?

No. It is absolutely necessary that you apply to the partner university yourself! After you have been selected for the Erasmus scholarship, we will inform the partner university about your coming.
The partner university will then write to you and send you all the information you need. This includes the application instructions. Each university has its own application deadlines, so it is very important that you read the host university's documents carefully and follow the given steps by the deadline.
Don't worry: we will discuss these points with you if you are selected for the scholarship.

Where will I be living?

Most of our partner universities guarantee dormitory places for Erasmus students. You will receive information about this as soon as you have applied to the university. If you want to know more about it earlier, please contact the international office of the partner university. You can find the contact details on the list of partner universities.

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