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Examination office


Dörthe van Eyck &
Heike Brinkkötter

phone 0541-969 2831
room 35/E45
Barbarastr. 11
49076 Osnabrück

Visiting hours for students

Mon 13.30 - 15.30
Thu 10 - 12

The Examination Office is not staffed on the following dates:

26.07.2024 (morning)
29.07.2024 (whole day)

31.07., 01.08., 06.08., 08.08., 13.08., 15.08. & 20.08.2024 (afternoon)

You can also reach us via e-mail pruefamt-bio@uni-osnabrueck.de

Office hours

Mon - Thu    9.00 - 12.00
Mon - Thu  13.30 - 15.30
Fri               9.00 - 12.00

The Biology examination office is responsible for examination matters of the following study programs: Bachelor's/Master's program in Biology, teaching-oriented Bachelor's/Master's programs in Biology, Nanosciences and Biology as a minor in the study programs in Psychology, Environmental Systems and Resource Management, Applied Systems Science and Physics.

The staff of the office will answer questions and provide information about studies and examination regulations of the Biology programs. Furthermore, you can also contact the student advisory service.

Frequently asked questions

Go to our collection of frequently asked questions


Go to the download area for forms


Go to the download area for resolutions concerning examination matters

Examination board


PD Dr. Heiko Harten (Chairman)

Prof. Dr. Achim Paululat (Deputy Chairman)

Prof. Dr. Arne Möller

Prof. Dr. Chadi Touma

Sebastian Flacke (Student representative)