May/June 2021
SFB members (Rainer Kurre, Jacob Piehler, Caroline Barisch, Michael Hensel, and Joost Holthuis) organized an online workshop on lipid imaging, host-pathogen interactions and fluorescence microscopy https://www.ibios.uni-osnabrueck.de/Home/Virtual%20Bioimaging%20Workshops%202021.html
May 2021
Arne Möller received support for his high end microscope for structure analyses. https://www.cellnanos.uni-osnabrueck.de/en/home.html
July 2020
Arne Möller has been accepted as new project leader of the SFB 944. His project on ABC exporter function within their lipid microenvironment will strengthen structure biology within the SFB consortium.
Mai 2020
Katia Cosentino joins the board of the SFB 944 and replaces Jacob Piehler. Joost Holthuis is now Deputy Speaker, further members are Christian Kost and Milos Galic.
April 2020
The SFB decided to move its research and scientific seminars to virtual meetings to allow active exchange also during the Corona pandemic.
February 2020
The projects of Katia Cosentino, Caroline Barisch and Ayelén Gonález Montoro have been funded as new projects in the SFB 944. Katia Cosentino is W1 Professor in molecular cell biophysics since July 2019, Caroline Barisch and Ayelén Gonález Montoro head young investigator groups since the beginning of 2020 with support by the SFB 944.
November 23, 2018
The SFB 944 will be funded for its third and final funding period from 2019-2022. A total of 10 Mio Euros will support 15 research groups in Osnabrück and Münster, who focus on diverse aspects of cellular microcompartmentation. The SFB strongly profits from the recently opened Center of Cellular Nanoanalytics Osnabrück (CellNanOs).
September 27-29, 2017
2nd International Symposium of the SFB 944 on "Cellular Microcompartments - From Analytics to Physiology”. 25 invited speakers presented their exciting progress on different aspects of cellular microcompartment analytics and dynamics during the three-day symposium.

September 16, 2017
Minisymposium of the SFB 944 with support of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation on "Organelle function”. Well-established and young researchers presented their progress as part of a one-day Symposium in the Bohnenkamp House of the Botanical Garden.

May 11-12, 2017
Retreat of the SFB project leaders at Kloster Malgarten, Bramsche. The group leaders focus in their two-day discussions on current and future projects on cellular microcompartment, support of new groups and perspectives. The picture shows all participants.

SFB 944 - Retreat in Kloster Malgarten May 2017
October 2016
The project P19 of the newly appointed professor in Ecology, Christian Kost, is funded by the DFG. The title of his project is "Regulation, structure, and function of interbacterial nanotubes”.
June 2016
Sabine Hunke leaves the SFB to take a position as academic coordinator at the SFB/TRR 109. The project P15 is continued by Michael Hensel and Katharina Miskiewicz with the focus on Cell-autonomous stress responses by intracellular Salmonella enterica as of January 2017.
July 2015
Guy Hanke leaves the SFB to take a position as a lecturer at Queen Mary College London. He remains affiliated with the SFB.
Nov 20, 2014
(Pressemitteilung) Großer Erfolg für die Osnabrücker Biologie: Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert den Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 944 »Physiologie und Dynamik zellulärer Mikrokompartimente« um weitere vier Jahre.
»Die DFG-Bewilligung beweist, daß die Universität Osnabrück leistungsstark und zu exzellenter Forschung in der Lage ist«, freut sich Universitätspräsident Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lücke. Die Förderung beläuft sich über den Förderzeitraum von vier Jahren auf 8,5 Millionen Euro.
Im SFB 944 wird die Organisation von Proteinen und Lipiden im zellulären Verbund untersucht. »Wir versuchen herauszufinden, wie die jeweilige unmittelbare Umgebung eines Proteins die Funktionsweise einer ganzen Zelle und somit letztlich den gesamten Organismus beeinflussen kann«, erläutert der Sprecher des Sonderforschungsbereiches, Prof. Dr. Christian Ungermann. »Von besonderem Interesse ist auch in der zweiten Antragsperiode die raum/zeitliche Veränderung von Proteinumgebungen („Mikrokompartimente“) und ihre Bedeutung für das (Über-)leben von Organismen.«
Eine derart komplexe Fragestellung erfordert ein umfangreiches zellbiologisches und biophysikalisches Methodenarsenal - von der Identifikation neuer Komponenten über ihre Verortung und Dynamik mittels hoch- und höchstauflösender Mikroskopie bis hin zur quantitativen Analyse der Wechselwirkungen.
Prof. Ungermann: »Ein entscheidender Vorteil unseres SFB liegt in der fachübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit von Arbeitsgruppen aus der Osnabrücker Biologie, Physik und Mathematik sowie zwei Arbeitsgruppen der Universität Münster.
»Die Förderung des Sonderforschungsbereiches belegt nicht nur die hervorragende Kooperation der Osnabrücker Biologen untereinander, sondern auch mit anderen Wissenschaftlern über die Grenzen ihres Faches hinaus«, so Universitätspräsident Lücke.
April 26, 2013
On April 25, 2013, the "Wissenschaftsrat" (Scientific Board, Germany) has agreed on funding of a new research building named "Center of Cellular Nanoanalytics Osnabrück" (CellNanOs). Within the CellNanOs novel approaches to analyze cellular microcompartments will be developed by an interdisciplinary team from biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and cognitive sciences. The application team was headed by the vice-chair of the SFB, Jacob Piehler (Biophysics), with support of Michael Hensel (Microbiology) and Christian Ungermann (Biochemistry).
The main research topics of the CellNanOs will include the development of new nanomaterials to trace proteins and lipids, advanced microscopy techniques for imaging beyond the diffraction limit, qualitative and quantitative analytics of interactions within microcompartments, and computational techniques to analyze, model and simulate cellular interactions. The CellNanOs will be built next to the Biology Department. The 20 Mio Euro investment costs will include 3.5 Mio Euro in new infrastructure.
For further information, please contact:
e-mail: piehler@uos.de
January 2013
In 2012, several SFB-members agreed to write minireviews to develop and sharpen the concept of cellular microcompartmentation. The reviews, now published with support of Biological Chemistry, cover the general function of cellular microcompartments (Holthuis and Ungermann), microcompartments in bioenergetics (Hanke et al.), microcompartments at the plasma membrane (Merzendorfer and Heinisch), redox-regulated microcompartments (Zachgo et al.), and microcompartments in cellular physiology (Paululat and Brandt). A review on methods on the visualization of dynamic microcompartments will follow soon (Piehler et al.).
All minireviews were coordinated by Roland Brandt together with Heinz-Jürgen Steinhoff, Johann Klare and Christian Ungermann (see editorial, Brandt et al.).

Overview of selected cellular microcompartments (from Holthuis and Ungermann)
Biol Chem 2013 Editorial.pdf
Biol Chem 2013 Brandt.pdf
Biol Chem 2013 Busch.pdf
Biol Chem 2013 Holthuis.pdf
Biol Chem 2013 Merzendorfer.pdf
Biol Chem 2013 Zachgo.pdf

The SFB upon its first installment 2011